RU GSE Student Blog

A Student Perspective

Archive for the month “May, 2013”

Tran–>sit–>ion: From Grad to Pro

As I get ready to take job ONE, I’ve been reflecting on just what the transition from grad student to professional is going to mean. Here are my thoughts…



 Even if you’ve worked while in grad school, there are certain elements of the grad student lifestyle that are bound to change as you transition into a full-time professional role. First, if you have an internship (like I do) with strange hours that do not always occur during the business day, it can have it’s perks like the ability to sleep in. Once structured office hours are part of your life, that’s just not an option anymore. I don’t know about you, but this is going to be a hard pill for me to swallow because I value a long sleep after a long night. Then, there’s appropriate dress. For many grad students, it’s easy to get away with wearing jeans or even sweatpants to class or certain meetings. Well, it was nice when it lasted because that’s also something that will likely change. It’ll probably be required for us to dress professionally in the workplace. It’s also important that we dress in such a way that helps set us apart from students, especially if we’ll be pretty close in age to students with whom we work.  So, start getting that wardrobe ready.


Let’s face it. Once we relinquish the title of grad students and assume that of professional, people are going to start expecting more of us. This includes employers and colleagues, as well as friends and family. Expectations will feel particularly different if you’re taking your first professional job since being a student for 18 plus years. While many of us take on various responsibilities in our work as grad students, there will undoubtedly be a change in the level of responsibility and accountability that we experience in a professional job. Just as others will expect more out of us, we must expect more out of ourselves. Set that bar high!


transition-thumbIn moving from grad student to professional, the “future” becomes real. Job one is that first step toward the rest of your career and LIFE. It’s time to make choices about direction and short/long term goals in your professional life, as well as your personal life. These choices can be hard. If it hasn’t already, life can get pretty complicated. Not to say that grad students have no direction, but becoming a professional means that it’s time to steer your own career ship. Entering the professional requires big decisions from taking that first job to leaving it for the next. For many people, that first or second job may not have finite cap of time attached to it like grad school had. It’s important to constantly evaluate where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go.


We’re not perfect as grad students. And, get this…we won’t be perfect as professionals! We will definitely make mistakes as we learn the ropes of our new job and culture of the organization or institution for which we’ll work. Over the past couple years, many of us have gotten comfortable with our lives as grad students. It’s important to embrace that feeling of being the new kid on the block. Open yourself to learn from people around you as you take this next step.


There are some perks with leaving the student lifestyle behind. For one, no more tests! And, no more papers! Let’s be honest, this is pretty exciting. Let’s not forget…no more buying hundreds of dollars of text books as well.


As a grad student in classes and working in various internships and with multiple projects, it’s very easy to feel as though you’re being pulled in a million different directions. While becoming a professional comes with it’s own challenges and a significant workload, it’s also a time to focus on your role and how you can commit your time and energy to really doing your job well and leaving your mark.

Like all good things, grad school must come to an end. It hasn’t been an easy two years, but it’s definitely been worthwhile. During my two years in the College Student Affairs program, I’ve worn different hats as a Hall Director, intern, supervisor, mentor, advisor, and student. In just about one week, I’ll be taking off that student hat…at least for now. Thank you for the opportunity to reflect on the grad student experience through this blog. I hope you have found my posts somewhat interesting and hopefully entertaining at times. It’s now time for me to take my next step and become a full-time professional. Job one, here I come! 

Good luck to my fellow grad school grads…And, to those still toiling over papers, readings, group projects, and internships, enjoy the ride…


Lyrics of Wisdom


Whenever I’m dealing with stress and difficult transitions in my life, I turn to music. I find that one lyric in that one song that just gets me and expresses everything I’m feeling at that exact moment. Then, I usually listen to song on repeat until I feel ready to move on to other thoughts.

At this point in the semester, I’m finding myself confused, terrified, and overwhelmed by my future, the job search, and the important life decisions coming down the pike. I think most grad students who are getting ready to graduate can relate on some level to those feelings. Let’s be honest. The unknown sucks. We don’t have a crystal ball. And, change (as much as it’s exciting and welcomed), it’s really difficult to deal with in the moment.

As I’m trying to make some big life choices and determine my direction, I’ve been turning to certain songs that seem to encapsulate my emotions, general thoughts, and words of advice. I wanted to share them with you, so I hope you enjoy!

Control Your Destiny

“Who cares if you disagree.

You are not me.

Who made you king of anything?

So,  you dare tell me who to be?

Who died and made you king of anything?”

– Sara Bareilles “King of Anything”

As we’re all making big decisions and figuring out our next steps in life, I think it’s so important to remember that WE are the Kings/Queens of OUR OWN destinies. People will have their opinions. You may have voices (whether family, friends, or peers) trying to influence you and push you in one direction or another. While it’s okay to listen to these other voices, it’s important to make sure that your voice is the loudest. Others may disagree with your decisions, but that’s cool. They’re entitled to their opinions, but if you’re ever faced with someone trying to steer your decision, just sing to yourself: Who died and made you king of anything?  You’ll feel empowered… I promise.

Write Your Own Story

“No one else can feel it for you

Only you can let it in

No one else can speak the words on your lips

Drench yourself in words unspoken

Live your life with arms wide open

Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten…”

– Natasha Bedingfield “Unwritten”

When you’re trying to make decisions regarding your first career move after grad school, it’s really easy to feel like a blank slate. You may have an idea of what you want your future to look like, but, in reality, you really don’t know how it’s all going to play out. There’s something really magical and extremely scary about your life being “unwritten” because that means that the future is completely unknown. What’s important is that you hold the pen and you write the story. Embrace the ambiguity of your future even though it’s often hard to do so without panic. This song really helps make me feel more excited about writing my own story and steering my own life.

Don’t Give Up

“Play on when you’re losing the game

Plan on ’cause you’re gonna make mistakes

It’s always worth the sacrifice

Even when you think you’re wrong

So, play on…”

– Carrie Underwood “Play On”

It’s pretty easy to feel overwhelmed, particularly when nearing the end of grad school and approaching the brink of your career. Even more so, starting a new job is scary! It’s going to be hard to transition to a new environment, new people, new responsibilities, and new expectations. There will be many moments where we’ll feel like we’re “losing the game,” but it’s important to never give up…and, play on.

Have Faith, Take Chances, Dance

“Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens.

Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance.

And, when you get the choice to sit it out or dance,

I hope you dance…”

– Lee Ann Womack “I Hope You Dance”

At various points in a grad student’s job search, doors close & open. Sometimes, others close the door for you, as you receive that awful letter/email/phone call of rejection. Other times, you gently close the door yourself by deciding to decline an opportunity because it just doesn’t feel right. Throughout the process of opening and closing doors, it’s so important to continue to have faith, take chances, and dance. For me, dancing is about taking a risk and trying something new. It’s about not giving up at the first occurrence of failure or making a mistake. It’s about getting out there and doing, acting, and pushing yourself to move forward.

Let Go

“Let go, let go, jump in

Oh well, what you waiting for?

It’s alright ’cause there’s beauty in the breakdown

Let go, just get in

Oh, it’s so amazing here

It’s alright ’cause there’s beauty in the breakdown.”

– Frou Frou “Let Go”

At a certain point as a grad student, you have to stop worrying, make a decision, and literally let go. I’m pretty good at over thinking things and worrying about whether or not I’m making the “right” decision. Unfortunately, none of us will ever really know if a decision we’ve made was the right one. It’s just the “right now” one. It’s what feels right at the moment. You can make your lists of pros and cons and try to quantify your decisions with numbers and codes, but, at the end of the day, you just have to make a decision that feels right, stick with it, and make the best of the situation. Letting go is about taking a leap of faith and heading head-first into whatever next step you’re taking. In the job search, there will be a point at which we all have to decide whether or not we’re going to “let go” and take the leap to accept a position. I’m hoping it’ll feel right when it happens to me. Regardless, it’s going to be a free fall that will encompass an element of excitement and terror.

I hope you find some of these lyrics helpful or inspiring. Maybe they’ll strike a cord for you like they’ve done for me…



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